Get Involved

5 Ways You Can Help Mission Africa

Mission Africa would not be able to reach communities in need without the support of our partners, volunteers, and people like you. If you are interested in joining us to provide basic needs and life-affirming programs to the Nigerian people, here are six actionable steps you can take today.

1. Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Stay up-to-date about the latest information, events, and blog posts regarding Mission Africa. Sign up below to receive our newsletter.

2. Volunteer

Mission Africa is run solely through volunteer efforts. The success of the program is due to these selfless people with the desire to make a positive difference.

If you would like to share your time and talents to improve the lives of the Nigerian people, reach out to us here.

3. Host An Event

Learn more about the way of life in Nigerian communities and what is being done by Mission Africa, now and in the future, to help the Nigerian people. If you would like to host an event led by the founder of Mission Africa, Victor Jakpor, click here to contact us.

4. Join Our Prayer Group

On the third Sunday of each month, you’re invited to join Mission Africa and its supporters by attending an online prayer group. These meetings are held virtually via Zoom. Click here to message us for details.

5. Partner with Us

Your financial gifts to Mission Africa make a lasting impact on Nigerian communities in need.

100% of funds are used to provide desperately needed resources such as textbooks, teachers, water wells, and access to healthcare services. To understand the impact of your gifts, the following are ways you can partner with Mission Africa to serve the Sapele community:

$30/month - Provides an entire year of education for a child and life-saving services for their family.

$50/month - Provides textbooks and workbooks for 24 children for the entire school year.

$100/month - Provides food to nourish thirty children for an entire year, elevating their overall wellness and preparing them to thrive educationally.

$300/month - Provides training and coaching for a teacher for an entire year. Every teacher working with Mission Africa Project influences the lives of hundreds of children.